The Ripping Thread - How to build your own legit retro ROM library.

Dumping Sonic Game Gear games for Sonic Adventure DX (Gamecube or PC)

You will need the following:

This software to decompress the files:

A copy of Sonic Adventure DX (PC or GCN)

A means of dumping the iso if you’re using the GCN version

As some of you may know, Sonic Adventure DX contains all of the Sonic Game Gear games. What we’re going to do is extract the ROMs from a copy of the game. I’ll start with the PC guide since it is the most straight forward.

Locating ROMS from the PC Version

Go to the Sonic Adventure DX directory, wherever it was downloaded and open the system folder. The ROMs are in this folder.

They’re all in a .PRS format, just type .PRS in the search bar and all 14 should appear. Ignore PRS.PRS (it just decompresses these files to be used in game, not necessary to convert to usable ROMs).

Locating ROMs from Gamecube Version

in progress

Converting ROMs to usable format

  1. Copy these files into a new folder on your desktop to keep it simple.

  2. Now open prs-utils.rar file and click through until you see a file called “prsdec auto.exe”. Move just that file into the same folder as the .PRS files.

  3. Run prsdec auto.exe

  4. 14 .bin files should have then been created. We will need to change .bin to .gg so that they are usable in emulators and flash carts. You can either just rename them individually or create a .bat file to do this automatically.

    6a. The create the .bat file just open Notepad and enter

ren *.bin *.gg

Click “Save As” and make sure to change the extension from .txt to .bat and save it in the same folder as the .bin files. Open the .bat file and all the ROMs should now be renamed to .gg. You can now use these in an emulator.