Back in Time YouTube Channel Official Thread

But do you bite all the chocolate off the outside first? :stuck_out_tongue:

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well of cause I do? how else could to eat it :slight_smile:

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Massive thanks to anybody who has watched the show, as a special treat here is a review of what turned out to be a bit of a turd…

Wishing you all the best for next year.

Sometimes you get a jolly carried away with a review, this is one such a time…


Ninja Ryukenden for the PC-Engine, little to hard for me to find truly great, but its still a pretty good time.

A brand new Commodore 64 game… I havent been so excited in ages… just the box is enough to make me piddle a little, the games blooming nice too…

Ohh and check out RetroManCaves youtube show this week, you might find it contains my game room and shizzle :slight_smile: