Does anyone know why many of Capcom’s excellent fighting games stayed in Japan during the Saturn era?

So no demo written on it anywhere? that’s so cool.

I miss my CVG mag collection, it got destroyed by a leaky shed :confused: At least you know your mags are being appreciated by someone!

The official releases were via email, so it’s only what people have kept and collated.

Neogaf has a bunch of it, eg:

Magic Box has the 1995-2007 Platinum list collated

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Great thank you, I’m glad it’s been archived somewhere, looking forward to poring over this!

While I liked that they covered imported games and plugged the Marvel Vs. games, they also bagged on games that weren’t 3-D. IIRC they also complained about the gameplay style of SOTN and Pandemonium as being old fashioned and feeling 16 bit.

It was a strange time. Personally I would have loved to see a 2d saturn game made using all that it could do just to find out how good it really was. I mean Tempo looks really good. That Taomaru game also looks pretty good (can’t vouch for quality though because of $$$). But if I had known about them back int he day, I would have probably sought them out.