Buy/Sell/Trade Section of RGB - DISCLAIMER AND RULES

Buying, Selling and Trading Items

Hello and welcome to the Retro Game Boards Buy/Sell/Trade Board. This board will be used as a cork board for users to post items they’re looking to exchange with other posters.

IMPORTANT: This board will primarily be user-moderated, and as well as its staff and owners in no way take responsibility for any transaction that occurs between users. This means that if a user doesn’t uphold their end of the bargain, there’s nothing anyone here can do about it besides banning their account. We’re working on an honor and user-submitted feedback system. Please be mindful of this when negotiating with users here, and don’t go giving someone money you can’t afford to lose.


  1. Please do not post the same items more than once every 7 days. If your post is close to the top of the board already, try to refrain from re-posting it. This makes it easier for everyone to find what they’re looking for.
  2. Every thread title should include all relevant information: If you’re looking to Buy/Sell/Trade, what item(s) you have or are looking for, location you’re willing to ship to, and some indication of pricing. If you’re unsure of pricing, say so, but try to have a starting offer.
  3. Posts must be relevant to Buying, Selling, or Trading. Please keep personal information to PMs, and discussion of items being sold or sought after to their relevant threads.
  4. No illegal items can be sold here. Duh.

As a matter of courtesy please be sure to include:

The appropriate code in your title: WTS/WTB/Pricecheck

WTS: Include your location, currency, where you are willing to ship to, item name, item price, shipping price, condition/description, and photos.

WTB: Include your location, currency, item name, price range if applicable, and condition wanted if applicable.

Pricecheck: Use this preface if you are unsure of how much you should be looking to buy/sell an item for, and the community can help you to ascertain a price.

Members are much more likely to engage with for sale items if your post includes prices and photos; the more information provided, the better.

Regarding User-Submitted Feedback:
Once you have completed a transaction with another user, please leave a comment in the “RGB Buy/Sell/Trade Feedback Thread” after a transaction in this format:

<Positive/Neutral/Negative> <Buyer/Seller> Feedback for

Positive Buyer Feedback for Fish
Sold me some fantastic snake oil! Thank you!

RGB Buy/Sell/Trade Feedback Thread

Please leave all feedback regarding transactions on this board in this thread. All feedback must be formatted as outlined in the “RGB Buy/Sell/Trade Rules” Thread:

<Positive/Neutral/Negative> <Buyer/Seller> Feedback for

Positive Buyer Feedback for Fish
Sold me some fantastic snake oil! Thank you!

haha…of course none of ye hoarders are selling stuff! i’ll get the ball rolling


Shining Force Premium Disc (Saturn) - $50
Sega Ages: Power Drift (Saturn) - $50
Popuful Mail - need just the disc! (Sega-CD) - $50?
Gain Ground (Genesis), Psycho Fox (SMS) - looking for cart only, $20
Space Adventure Cobra (Sega-CD) - $50 + a handjob of your style/fashion

also if anyone has weird old sega stuff, lemme know! looking for the box of a model 1 genny (altered beast pack-in), 32x box, some old master system era Team Sega newsleetters, etc!

Hi Irish, the Buy/Sell/Trade area is an entire category of RGB. Please make a new thread in that category for your WTB post. On the top left of the main page, click “all categories” and you should see Buy/Sell/Trade in the drop down menu.

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…balls! okay, explains why this was hard to find, haha. thanks man!

Updated to add what information should be included when posting.

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One suggestion, you might edit the category preferences so topics in this category auto-close 30 (or 60, or 90) days after the last reply? That way it’s a bit easier to tell what is sold and what is not.

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It’s a good idea. I will look into it.

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