Retro Game Sales (Current Bargains)

Rather than create a thread every time there’s a sale of some kind going on, I think maybe it would be better to have a thread like this with any current bargains listed in it. I’m pretty sure I made one specifically for those eBay coupons but there are other sales sometimes too… such as the one at Gamestop right now.,13ffff2418-1e4-162-6

All Retro is 10% off. CAG has a coupon code you can use CAG16 which knocks off a little more. I’m placing an order, but I do wonder if anyone has purchased cartridges or discs from them in the past and what I can expect? There is a 7 day no questions asked return policy, so I feel relatively safe.

Anyway, if other deals come up, use this thread!

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I’ve had good success with GS on retro carts, mixed success with discs. Most discs will be loose, but on rare occasions I’ve gotten the case and manual. The return policy is great and you can take back to a store if you don’t want the hassle of mailing back.

I just bought a couple of retro games off GS, both disc based. For some reason I couldn’t seem to get them to ever verify my credit card and so whenever I tried to purchase it would set off an error. Fortunately I found a way around it by using the app and a GS gift card. I wasn’t aware that CAG was doing something with GS. Thanks for the heads-up!

No problem! I just bought two carts. Looking forward to them! One is a long time coming… I’ll save it for the pick ups thread, though.

@fester, thanks for the info. I really like the return policy. I figure if the labels are all scummed up, then back they’ll go. It’s worth a try. I got both carts for less than eBay value by probably $15 total. It’s worth the hassle if I have to send one back (or return at a store).

I’ve ordered from them several times when they had sales. Usually loose carts I have gotten have been fine. I ordered a bunch of Gamecube games recently crossing my fingers and hoping most came with the original case. Almost all came as just the disc in an envelope. I also noticed almost all the disc centers had some kind of light colored gunk between the two disc layers at the center. Not sure if this is from putting them in a resurfacing machine? No clue but it was odd it was on almost all of them. The return policy is nice reassurance.

Are Half Price Books sales nationwide? I picked up Chrono Trigger a few weeks ago for like $42 on 50% day…

Turns out they’re totally cool with holding something from 20% Monday all the way till 50% Sunday for you!

I don’t know if they do it anymore, but Gamestop used to throw away game boxes/cases like crazy. :angry:

Brand New Playstation Classic for $29.99

Seems like a pretty good deal…

Even at $30 I can’t do it!

(Insert your favorite hold.gif meme here)

$30 isn’t bad, but my personal threshold for a PS classic is $19.99. It’s a tough sell for me because my physical PSX setup is nearly perfect and the classic would require some level of effort to overcome its flaws.