Post your Retro Setup in Here

It’s a premium quality SCART switchbox. If you want to keep your consoles hooked up and ready to use, you’ll need a switcher, and if you have many consoles, well…

The more advanced model comes with 5x RGB scart, programmable LED and a remote for ease-of-access.


Awesome piece of retro equipment. Unfortunately almost impossible to find, in my area.

How costly are they, where are they for sale? I swap each SCART RGB behind the TV, it’s a huge pain, lol.

There are plenty different scart switchboxes but Joytech are pretty rare nowadays. Not terribly expensive but just hard to find! I got lucky, found one locally at an auction site and the other one in French eBay. Browse your local auction sites and eBay, that’s about all I can advice you. Just remember whatever you do get a scart switcher with a mechanical switch. Those scart splitters will often (always) give you degrading signal quality and errors.

But they are really great quality. Some people use Bandridge switchers, mostly good experiences, but some have had issues. And of course then there’s the ultimate premium solution, GSCARTSW…


For a quick and ready-to-go solution, I always suggest the Hama AV Selector 100S. Cheap, and it can be daisy-chained pretty much losslessly. I own a couple of them, and even if they don’t look even remotely as nice as those Joytech devices, they’re serving their purpose perfectly well.


Thanks guys! I found a Hama 100s for very nice price on eBay and it’s in the 90’s silver my TV is in! Already this forum is bearing fruits! :+1:


Just make sure it’s branded Hama. There are countless knock-offs which use the same case, but are extremely crap, in comparison.

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I use the same ones, though I found that I can really only chain 2 together after it starts to have issues. Still though it’s not that much of a hassle for me to just switch around some cables every now and then. I’d love one of those joytechs, but they wouldnlt even fit where I’d want it to.

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So, just finished the latest pics.

Lemme just try to post a link to an album, no idea if that works:

Loads more pics in the link above.


I said god damn


OMG! The 12 year old me would have died in there!!! So would the grown up me, come to think of it. incredible setup, I really love the little extra alcove room on top!!

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Jeez, eXistor.
Your place is like if Miami Vice was a series about videogames. O_o


Game room? That looks more like a museum! I was like wow…and then there’s a ladder to a loft with more gaming! I would double that as a panic room. “Oh I’m locked in here for days/weeks/lifetime? …Good.”


That is incredible. Congrats on this setup!


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Yup, I use two Hamas daisy chained together, and they’re great. There’s a SLIGHT amount of quality loss, which I’ve only noticed on my AV Famicom and SNES, which share the same cable, and only on certain colours… Maybe Hama just doesn’t like that cable. It’s downright impossible to notice with scanlines on.

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Holy shit eXistor! That’s one hell of a setup. I really like how organised it is.

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Here’s some pics from a couple of days ago, you can see the Hama switches hidden in one of the corners. I need more art on the walls, in the far corner you can see my fly Phantasy Star 3 poster, and my painting of the robot riding a rocket, which I bought from the hospital the day my daughter was born.

EDIT: Deleted a photo because you could see myugly mug in the reflection :wink:


damn Damn DAMN

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3 damns for you too


Thanks spladam! It’s a constant work in progress.