PS1 Appreciation/Collectors Thread of Ugly-Ass Polygons

Ah I see, I was wondering if the new one was defective since he doesn’t ship the old ‘off-the-shelf’ variety anymore

Carpg Racing Lagoon has an english translation patch out. I’m hoping to try it out tonight, but it likely won’t be for a couple days.


Looks quite unique.

Final Fantasy: Initial D version :joy:

I’ve started playing “Jumping Flash!” (1995, EXACT, PlayStation) and loving it so far. Just spotted a Moai in it, too!

I could have sworn I played it back in the day, but I have no memory of anything other than the first stage. I guess I only played a demo or maybe I was rubbish at it?


Yeah, that first stage was on the legendary demo disk that came with the PS1. I cant’ tell you how many times I also played that stage.


Finally committed to playing Xenogears over the weekend. Played the demo over and over in the 90s but never had the game itself.

About 10 hours in and man, it is a gorgeous game. I think the 2D sprites/polygon world is my favorite look for these PS1 RPGs (Final Fantasy Tactics making this case stronger!). Having camera control makes the world feel a lot more ‘real’.

Battle system rocks, love chaining the combos together. I am already hooked on the story. Music is great.

If any game on PS1 deserves a remake this is surely it (even though my vote would go to Legend of Dragoon).


It was the first game I ever bought the soundtrack to. Absolutely love it. Not sure I’d trust modern Square with a remake, though.

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Awesome! I also just played it myself for the first time last summer, and loved it. I agree, the graphics and music are so good. I did have some pretty annoying platforming moments, where you have to make precise jumps or fall and start over from the beginning while getting attacked by random battles on the way back. That was frustrating. Still had a great time, though.

New PSX ODE (PS One compatible too) in development from the Xstation creator. If I’m reading the thread correctly it could be adapted for all CD based systems. :eyes:


Very cool

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Might make me pick up a PS1! My PS2 struggles to read PS1 discs nowadays + games are crazy expensive, and I can only play so many games on the PSP.

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Hooray for PSone!

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Robert created the Xstation ODE and GBS-Control, he knows his stuff!

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yeah ive not replayed xenogears since finishing it near launch, but i adored much of my time with it. whenever i get an SD setup going this year, i think i’m gonna try the 2.0/fan translation effort

even all these years later, there’s one boss fight i dread, and climbing that one fucking tower

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There are a number of things that for me at least were way worse in my memories. I remember getting through that on a second play through and thinking “wait, why was I afraid of this?”.

Think the only thing that really needed a second pass translation localization wise is the Gazel Ministry, yet ever fan translation thing I’ve seen goes too far with a ton of other things.

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Played through Klonoa for the first time (via PSP Game Archives) and it’s definitely one of those games which is elevated by the presentation.

The Now Production developed GBA titles, while fun puzzle platformers, have levels that all seem to blend together and don’t feel like they belong in the world themes - you could swap the backgrounds from world 1 and world 3 and it would make no difference!

But in the original PlayStation game the presentation really helps to weave the adventure while you play through the stages, while also contextually enhancing the scope and variety of the puzzles in later stages.

I’m just stunned that it released in 1997 - a year after the much uglier Rage Racer. You’d think it was a late PlayStation game considering the smooth 60fps framerate, expert use of texturing, and lack of polygonal warping.


so ive decided on a PSIO, but the main page is out of stock

i guess i’m waiting on that, local guy will install it + replace the lens/drive since the unit i got that’s compatible has a dying one - he wants $130 or so for both, so between this & a large SD card, this is gonna cost a bit. just wanted to see if anyone knew any other options? installed units on ebay go for way too much


X-stations are currently in-stock at Castlemania but it replaces your optical drive instead of being able to have both.

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yeah that’s the only thing holding me back honestly, i’ve a decent PSX library that i adore & after the saturn satiator i just don’t wanna give up access to them if i don’t gotta

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Yeah totally makes sense to go PSIO then.