PSone Classic - Smaller = Better

It’s the 16th where I am so that’ll be it.

Happy Kiwi Birthday!

Now back to the thread :sweat_smile:

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I see your cake too. Happy Birthday!

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Interesting. Adds analog by supporting DualShock 4 wirelessly.

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Pretty cool, should prob pick one up.

Has anybody hacked their PS Classic? And would care to do a test for me?

I’ve found a problem with PCSX-ReARMed (and the older PCSX-Reloaded that it’s based on) and given that this emulator is what powers the PS Classic I’m wondering if the version on the device exhibits the problem. It probably does.

I guess for £30 I could just buy one myself? It’s just that I don’t actually want one.

Been messing with my PSC lately, did Bleemsync 1.1 and have a 128gb USB plugged fairly discretely into the back with an OTG adapter. I boot every game with Retroarch and it seems to run pretty slick! Definitely worth $30 if you’re looking for something cute to mess around with. Probably took me 30 mins to set up, ymmv depending on your ripping/disc image situation.

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I’ve seen these for £25 locally. Still on the fence.

Yeah I was waiting for them to come down to 20 but just got one for the current sale. Seems low enough and don’t want to regret it later like people do with not getting the vita tv when it was super cheap. They are clearly trying to sell these off and forget about them now.

This hit my $20 price point at Target and just wanted to double check if it’s worth it from a retro enthusiast perspective. My preference is to play PSX games on original hardware with a CRT, but I realize the discs and drive (and TV) won’t last forever. Is the emulated experience on the PSC decent enough to have as a backup? For reference, I have a SNES Classic and the emulation/display options/scanlines are good enough for me as an alternative, even if not my first choice.

I’m curious too. $20 is super cheap. I just don’t know if it’s worth it at all? The included game list is terrible so it would have to be hacked. How are the controllers?

It’s only worth it if you hack it to add more games and use Bleemsync.

Yeah, I just don’t think I have the time or more importantly the inclination to do that. I own many of the PSX greats on their original discs and can slap them in a PS3 or PS2 at any given moment. This is truly the Classic Console that feels anything but classic.

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This is lower quality out of the box than the SNES classic due to the 50hz games.