rask's Omega Race MAME Build/Resto

These ships are proving to be more difficult and time consuming than I thought they would be. About half way done the first one.

First 2 ships are complete, starting work on the 3rd ship.

Rebuilding the bottom and front panels of the cabinet, as they were damaged really badly.

Front panel progress. Routed all the bits out so the stock coin box will fit in there. Got some matched paint for it, and the coin door fits nice!

Bottom panel progress. Cut out the wells for the wheels, and before attaching all the old hardware I sanded all the rust off and painted them black. The wheels were really chewed up but you know what they say… it’s only original once! Instead of buying new ones, I put them on my drill and sanded them down nicely so they don’t mark up my floor. This should serve me well.

I had to tear the cabinet down entirely to make sure I repair the thing correctly, and also so I can glue up the sides in all places as I put it back together. Turns out that they used these stupid metal clips to put some of the cross-braces in there, and they like to rip out a ton of old wood as you pull them out. Pain in the ass… will have to patch that up and re-route the grooves.

Ordered some new buttons, sticks, and a USB controller.