RGB High Score Battle! - Week 29 & 30: Alien Syndrome

Which score are we talking about?

439300 was a time out at the Round 6 boss (I took the warp pickup in Round 6 that pretty much warps you back to the start from almost the end of the level not knowing where it would take me) and then had to replay round 6 and died due to only having the one life. It was how I discovered timing out didn’t end the game.

The video play through are just what I consider normal play through and using original hardware and cart via a db-electronics FM SMS power base convertor.

This was my high score from the previous and first recorded completion attempt but didn’t realize the Sony a6000 I’m using for recording had a hard 20minute/2GB Limit for recording and the batteries only last about 40minutes each…

I ended up completing the whole game on my first recording run but didn’t notice until I had beaten the game that it had stopped recording.

It was a much better attempt overall as well… :cry:

Hence why in the recordings I pause at stage 3/4 so I can stop and restart the recording to be muxed together afterwards and then pause again for a battery change just before the Round 6 Boss entrance.

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Last night of the competition everyone! I hope to get in a few games tonight, but I don’t think I’ll be beating the game this week.

Good luck, see you tomorrow for a new game!


Fingers crossed for another game I wish to complete.

Have one especially in mind that I’d like to nominate next time I get the chance but who knows if I don’t mention it maybe it will be the next game regardless? :wink:

In interest of picking one you definitely weren’t thinking of, I chose something a bit off the wall, and something I’ve never played before. :stuck_out_tongue:


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Darn it!

So very close to what I wanted as well as it’s still on a SEGA system and also a SHMUP!

Really wanted to do this for R-Type on SMS as never beaten that.

But Gynoug works great as it is another title I had as a kid and never beat it.

Recall managing to get to the final stage several times but could never make it to the boss and it is one of those final stages where if you die it restarts you back to the very start of the level unlike else where in the game.

Oh snap, I’ve beaten that one in the last couple years. It’s tough as hell, but I managed to no-death it.