Going to try a (semi weekly) thing where I post a picture of a shmup I’m playing on Sunday night using either the game’s packaging, title screen or an in game pic. Feel free to add your own pic or just reply with whatever shmup you’re currently playing, and it doesn’t have to be Sunday night, that’s just my own whatever thing for the thread.
Craving some Compile action so my Sunday night shmup is gonna be Zanac X Zanac. Been many years since I played it, originally bought at launch from NCS for about $60 in 2001 (thank goodness I kept it as it’s pretty spendy now)
Played both Zanac Neo last night and original Zanac (has both the “disc version” which I assume is the Fami disc version and “rom version” which is apparently the regular Fami/NES version). Still trying to figure out Zanac Neo’s combo system, pretty visuals and nice explosions. Original Zanac I enjoy more so far, I just love the gritty, bare bones visuals and am surprised at how many bullets sometimes fill the screen with little or no slowdown, maybe a benefit of the FDS? I also love how the bosses all have the same uniform look of being core bases with “eyes” that fire at you. Still haven’t found my first Blue Lander.
Oh awesome, great find for folks in the thread who want to play this. I forgot they occasionally did PS1 imports in the US store, I know Dezaemon was also one.
Yeah I’ll be planning on stopping by there on my first visit ever to Chicago at some point. Maybe not in the winter time.
Since this is a shmup thread, I do know they’ve got one of those huge, rare Darius cabs. That would be pretty awesome to play, you can’t really replicate that with emulators.
Darius Burst EX:
I didn’t watch it all the way through so I apologize if the YouTube personality is annoying
Nah, that’s my Sega new net city cabinet in my attic. I’ve got a couple others, I’ll have to take a new group picture since I moved to Louisville a few months ago.