How about some arcade monitor scanlines?


Its so fantastic


I cleared Super Metroid this afternoon and decided to jump right into Metroid Fusion. Playing on the Game Boy Interface via Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cables on a PVM20L2. Not pictured but I’m using a Raphnet GC to SNES adapter and they are fantastic.


I guess we’re all marathoning metroid these days. Great shots!


Man, seeing these shots makes me really want to set up GBI on my recently modded GameCube. This game looks awesome on my pled via the Gameboy Consolizer but this really makes me want to play it on my CRTs.

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If you’re going to play GBA games on a backlit screen (which personally isn’t my preferred look) then I do think GBI ULL on CRT is the best way to do it if you could manage such a setup.

The games really do shine in proper 240p.


Yeah, with a SNES controller in hand and GBI ULL at 240p it really does feel like a lost 16 bit console. It is the absolute best way to play GBA

I do switch between this and my GBA with the v2 IPS screen installed though - but it’s a little too clean for my liking. Hoping a new revision comes out that will add some of the “pixel” modes that we’ve seen in DMG and GBC aftermarket screens.


I alternate between GBI and my original front-lit NES Classic GBA SP I had as a teen. It’s still my preferred hardware to use after all this time.


I picked up a Gameboy player a few years ago and it’s sat under my GameCube untouched since then. I really need to get it set up and put it to use with GBI.


Yeah I’m starting to think I may want to get a frontlit. I have two AGS 101 SP and 1 micro and I find myself playing the Micro over the SP’s because the ghosting isn’t as bad. It’s really pretty severe sometimes on the 101

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Yeah, I did the same but once I set it up I kicked myself for having waited so long!

I originally had it setup with the SDMedia Launcher which would autobot into Swiss and I could load it from there. Currently I use the GCLoader to start it up and it works beautifully.

The original software (which is oddly collectable now) really is miserable by comparison.

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A really good cheap option is a DS. I picked up a pink one for $20 and it’s better at playing GBA than my AGS-101.

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Yeah that’s going to be the catalyst for me. I want a GCLoader and a component solution.


I’m a stickler for the image filling full screen. Otherwise for the compatible games GBA Runner on a DSi XL looks incredible I have tried it. The DS Lite Screen seems to suffer from about as much ghosting as the Micro to me, not as bad as the 101 but nor perfect

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Front lit, to me, has the most accurate colors and really good pixel response time compared to the AGS 101.

I even made a thread about this in the past:


The IPS screens for the GBA are excellent, if not really accurate. I compared games on a 3DS screen and the GBA IPS blew the 3DS out of the water.


Mesmerizing background

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Wild Guns on Super Famicom / SNES by Natsume
1.Grundig GR2150 21" Scart RGB CRT TV,
2.RGB Picture Shifter from Arcade Forge,
3.Super Famicom JR (RGB Modded, using inner RGB amp “SRGB chip”)


Recently acquired a 10" security monitor that takes up to Svideo and has built in mono sound, have been setting up a mini station for out in the living room of the apartment I live in with my family since I have all the bigger ones in my room. I’ve gotten it set up with a modded Wii through Svideo and Raspberry Pi 4 with composite and it’s been really great the Rasberry Pi getting up to Dreamcast emulation fullspeed and even streaming games from my computer and PS5 in 480i has been suprisingly nice. Here’s a huge dump of pictures lol!


Oh man! Those smaller ‘semi-pro’ sets like CCTV monitors are the best. They’re as if you took the consumer CRT look and just made it better across the board. Everything just blends together so well, and that mask is super noticeable. FF7R may suffer with the small text but man, those older titles are just so great.

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