The Sunday Night Shmup thread

Today I remembered I put Rolling Gunner on my Wishlist for the Switch eShop back in June and picked it up.

I’m really impressed by it. The level and boss design has been exciting so far (I’ve only gotten as far as stage 5 on one continue), and the mechanics encourage risk/reward throughout. You’ve got the different ‘frame’ types which affect your shots, there’s also the ability to lock your secondary fire to the opposite direction that you last moved in (so to attack right twice you have to move left before firing), and you need to stay close to enemies to collect medals (collect 1000 to enable your super).

It’s directed/programmed/designed by ex-Cave developer Daisuke Koizumi who worked on Akai Katana last I think. Having Hirokazu Koshio/Cosio on music was a smart idea, too - fits the atmosphere of the game.

It’s a smartly designed and well made game which exudes craftsmanship. It’s impressive to see it wasn’t made using a third party engine, a rarity among games today, especially independently made ones.