Old gaming toys, peripherals, memorabilia, tat thread. Junk welcome!

Making the very focused thread about a single gachapon made me think: let’s have a thread to discuss any peripherals, toys, and general memorabilia.

I’ll kick off…always liked this Famicom Disc System case that Nintendo licensed out to manufacturer Shinshin Co Ltd.

That classic Mario artwork is a great reference point to the era, too!


Hmm, I could post all my pre-gaming Nintendo items.

I have:

Pre-WW2 Hanafuda
Ultra Hand
Ultra Scope
Love Tester

And various others. Will have to get them down and photograph though.

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i have stuff to add to this thread but man, i bought a 3d printed disk-kun case off etsy because i’d never seen this - that’s so cool!

Much-needed thread!

For me, the coolest gaming peripheral will always be the Game Boy Camera. I had one at the time and it was brilliant. Even though using one today is a bit beyond me, I do admire people who are keeping it alive. Another peripheral I had back then was the e-Reader for GBA. I seem to remember needing to import that… I did it to play those SMB3 bonus levels. DLC before the internet was ubiquitous! I can’t say I miss that…

Returning to the present day, I’ve been getting into Hanafuda lately. This deck isn’t old, it’s currently in production:

You can see more photos in a previous post here:

One of my favourite gaming-adjacent things is this origami Tetris lamp:

3DS, with its cover plates and various accessories, is arguably peak tat. Those 18-in-1 card cases are legit:

On the subject of Club Nintendo, I use this pouch:

I think it was originally released for 3DS, but I find it a better fit for my DSi LL/XL:

Finally, I like a good guidebook:


That wine red pouch is gorgeous! Always wondered if the matching DSi XL colour was inspired by the Famicom.

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I had a change of heart…


I run the Hanafuda discord server! It’s a great resource. I’m biased.

these are awesome! might gotta mess with this one day, it looks so cool

The train picture made me think of some photos I took with mine for the last train ride of our town’s train.

Jesse Kremer: "Took some pictures from the last trip on the Aust…" - Gamedev Mastodon

The coach they replaced with it is much less comfy to ride.


Nice photos!