RGB Pick Up Thread Of Swag!

I threw a bid on an auction I saw for this, that was stupidly low, some how it actually won.


Dammit one day I want all those shooters…

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I’m so jealous! Enjoy SDOJ!

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I replaced the fan in my HDD equipped ‘fat’ with one of the new Chinese ones on eBay as it said it was very quiet etc but actually complete waste of time it’s exactly the same.

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Which cave shooter is that?

Edit; never mind I see the name now. Lol. Congrats!

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Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
Really excited to revisit Final Fantasy II, which I first (and last) played fifteen years ago.

51 Worldwide Games (Clubhouse Games sequel). This one came with a free notepad and pen - notepad has grid paper and the pen seems to be a prodir.

Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland
Last but not least, I finally found a copy of this for a reasonable price. Been meaning to play it for years, and I sorely regretted not getting it back when it was cheap and brand new. I’ve played the first dungeon and am loving it so far, it’s mechanically very interesting while also feeling extemely fresh thanks to very sharp audio and visual design.


Not exactly retro, but couldn’t resist picking this up.


Arrrrgh! I was awake when they went on sale and I was going to order and then bailed. :tired_face:

Looks great! Nice pick up.

Oh wow, the township on the back cover of Tingle is very similar to the style later used in Shovel Knight. So many little details in so few pixels.

It sounds really fun. I somehow thought it was a Japan only release. Good to know

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Wow, you got one? It’s such an good looking model.

It’s really fun! I’ve been completely addicted to it since I started playing on Saturday, an outcome I wouldn’t have expected.

It’s really unlike any game, you can tell Taro Kudo directed it (he did Moon: Remix RPG Adventure and Paper Mario Color Splash). Its mechanics and wry tone definitely seem to be his style, but it’s very much its own game, with very little direct (you could even say low-rent) references to Zelda, instead being much smarter with how it might play with your expectations for a Zelda game.

I’ll have to do a proper write-up when I finish it, but suffice to say, I’m adoring it. And yes - the pixel art is wonderful, though backdrops are generally hand-drawn but edited to be clearer on the 256 x 192 screens. The sprites and other graphical adornments, however, are 100% pixel art and gorgeously animated.

Got lucky today with some thriftstore pickups. Finds are few and far between these days compared to a couple of years ago. The Gameboy dmg-04 link cable appears unused (most probably are), and the 360 game is spotless for once. about half my disc finds I leave because of scratches. all items were priced 1,-

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Damn. Sounds awesome

Decided to pick up this double Sega remaster steelbook since it was finally on sale for a decent price.


It’s really good. It has its flaws, mostly in the negotiation system which feels like trial and error, but friction isn’t always bad in video games and often helps to craft a unique experience.

Taro Kudo is an underappreciated game designer, hopefully the global release of Moon: Remix RPG Adventure on Switch will make people take note. I wonder if he’s behind the new Paper Mario.

Picked up a Pocket Operator PO-33. Think a game and watch but replace the game with a synth and strip off the case. No idea how to use it yet but I’m keen to tinker.

Didn’t realise it would be so tiny. Had assumed it was the size of a calculator but it’s about half that.


Recently replaced my Raiden Fighters Jet PCB. The original from China arrived broken. Luckily the seller is being cool and letting me ship it back. This replacement was domestic and arrived in perfect working order. Even managed to figure out how to set my PVM to display its weird signal.


Grind Stormer arrived today too!


I kinda want to know what you paid for Grind Stormer and kinda don’t.

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Less than you’re probably thinking. The game has a great big Blockbuster label right on the sticker.

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Yeah. That hits the value a bit.