RGB Pick Up Thread Of Swag!

My UK DC keyboard is a big ass one also. Didn’t even know there were smaller ones?

Some nice junk pick ups and a walk around the shops.


Japanese “junk” is like Near Mint in the US. No lie.



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My latest pickups: Hori RAP and a Flipgrip. Both are super awesome.


Nice! Which game is that? Looking for more to use with my flip grip.

That’s Strikers 1945 in the picture.

FlipGrip is hot. It’s definitely among the top three Switch accessories.

What would you say are the other two?

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A good case is definitely the number one accessory. I recently switched from the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Special Edition case to this one…

…because it’s large enough to hold a Pro Controller but not large enough to be unwieldy. I really like it.

The third one for me is the HORI Compact PlayStand, which was the only way to do vertical easily before the FlipGrip, but still comes in handy while traveling and playing the Switch horizontally or vertically.

Beyond that, amFilm tempered glass screen protector is a must of course but I see that as less accessory and more mandatory protection.

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Yeah, I agree with all of those.

Had an expensive month… but it’s my birth month! :partying_face:

Sekiro was a big one for me. Dark souls/Demons Souls/Bloodborne are some of my favorite games, so I was pretty hyped to pick up the CE. Having said that, game is so, so SO hard. It’s a love/hate/hate thing for me so far.

Recently got a PSVR headset, so I was pretty excited to get the aim controller. Haven’t played around with it too much yet.

And scratched two NES games off of my want list -


Two awesome NES games right there.

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Happy birthday!

Great choices on the NES games. I’m excited to try Sekiro. That CE looks great!

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It’s definitely one of the nicer CE’s I have. The statue and the coins feel pretty good.

edit: And thank you :slight_smile:

I’m about to review something like the Flipgrab. These devices seem like excelent ideas to make mobile phone games actually worthwhile.

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That cab is a beauty.

How are you running power stone 2. A DC or through emulation? How are you going to do multiplayer

Dreamcast straight into VGA on the monitor. I’ve put alot of work into both of them and I installed a 2p control panel on the Dreamcast cab.


Oh man, that marvel vs capcom at the top is the cherry on top. That’s a crazy awesome setup

Thanks. A look at the full fleet