RGB Pick Up Thread Of Swag!

Picked up Megaman 11 on impulse. 20 bucks was about my highest that I was willing to pay for it. I thought the demo was decent, although the gear system seems kinda gimmicky. Hopefully the full game is good. I’ve read some complaints about level checkpoints and some cheap death spots, but maybe it wont be that bad.


My Saturn 3D Controller arrived - had to go for a Japanese unit to match my Japanese model 2 of course! Unfortunately it’s yellowed a tiny bit - though not to a huge extent as I hadn’t realised it until I held it next to my regular controller. Note how the connector in port 1 is a bit yellow.

I’ve already taken it for a test drive and I like it - more impressions to follow in the Saturn thread…


How’s Flipnic? That’s always looked interesting to me

Re: yellowing. Perhaps an opportunity to try out the “sunlight method” for restoring old plastics? :slight_smile:

Beauty! I need one of these myself and I think you’ve just tipped me over the edge to look to buy one…

Yaaaaaasss!! The 3D Saturn controller is so cool :smiley:

Love the Daria pin :smiley:

It is really nice. The analogue stock is still unique to this day - really good for fine movements since it’s more like a trackball without inertial rolling.

Grabbed the Plus version of Sega Rally Championship to use with my 3D controller. Can’t wait to play some tonight!

Incidentally I had forgotten the arcade game received a port on PS2 as part of Sega Rally 2006 sets, going to have to seek out a copy. The lead programmer worked on the arcade game too in the same role. I’ll still always find the Saturn port to be incredibly impressive - it’s like magic to play it natively on the console, similar to how I feel playing Wave Race 64 and Ridge Racer.


Nice little shipment from Japan came in today. I plan on patching these to english using Voultars Super Stacker. My favorite part about getting rpgs on cartridge is checking out the old save files!


Yeah, I watched his video on that process recently and it has me inspired to do that on the copy of FFV I’ve had sitting on a shelf for years. It’s really slick.

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Awesome! I grabbed Radia Senki and have been meaning to patch it up. Going to use a donor board though.

Nice! Blows my mind people could play SR1 online in Japan. I ended up buying the PS2 port when I heard it was 60fps/480p but not tried it yet! The Saturn port is amazing and is my favourite arcade rally handling model to this day.

A Kitsch Bent ordered arrived with custom buttons for my Gamecube modded pad. It’s the first time I’ve tried the US style concave buttons, I didn’t think I would like them but I do.


Yea, it’s kind of wierd that Nintendo didn’t make the concavity of the X and Y buttons or the kidney shaped take of them during the GCN something more standard moving forward. Having a tactile way to distinguish them from A and B was a good idea in my opinion.

I do like how they’ve experimented with different button set-ups like you mentioned, the GCN buttons pushed for having things based around the use of one thumb I feel which I liked generally. Not sure if we’ll see them return to making such design decisions again!

Who made the call the for the convex buttons on the US model? It’s a really interesting regional variation, whilst I understand the desire for smaller pads/full redesigns you usually see for the Japanese markets versus the western releases they’re usually not as subtle as this.

Another shipment from japan!


SFC boxes >>>> SNES boxes


Vagrant Story for $30 was a pretty good deal, also got FF Tactics.


I just finished Final Fantasy Tactics last week and it’s as good as ever. The soundtrack is wonderful.

Vagrant Story is apparently set in the same universe as Tactics as well, so I’m sure it’s great.



I tried going back to Tactics a few times but find the battles just move way to slow.