Sega Dreamcast |OT| It's Still Thinking

Bangai-O doesn’t which is the only one I really miss. Corrupt graphics, game in top left corner of screen

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Yeah I’ve found that to happen, I didn’t really understand why at the time. I think JoJo is another one that simply does not play, patch or no patch.

Weird, I have Jojo (JP) version, and VGA works for me, no glaring issues. I run it on GDEMU.

The later release ‘for Matching Service’ supports VGA, I think the earlier original release does not.


Twenty-two awesome years.

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Happy anniversary, Dreamcast.


Is there anything I should keep in mind when shopping for a GDEMU? Played some Crazy Taxi in the arcade yesterday and feel like busting my PAL DC out but the drive is unreliable.

I don’t think so, but would always recommend buying from a trusted seller with a good return policy.

Re-arranged the TV cabinet by moving the Wii U to storage, adding the PSTV and the Dreamcast in prep for the GDEMU I ordered. Bit of a shame the drive in this Dreamcast is dead so I can’t use it until the package comes in. It just stops loading games not long into them starting.

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Did you try with the Dreamcast upside down?

I haven’t but I’ll give it a go tomorrow.

That worked! Any idea on why that works?


Back in the day this was the trick to use when the laser was dying, but it’s a temporary solution.

Another temporary solution is to recalibrate the laser. But it really needs to be replaced.

So this will see you through until your GDEMU arrives!


Having the hardest time sourcing quality lenses (optical pickups). Any good sources out there? Looking for a Yamaha lens for an HKT-3020 unit.

This device is really interesting. Would make playing games like MVC2 and CVS2 in 240p a lot easier. I’d try it out, but I think the AV port on my DC is messed up as there’s a reddish/pink tint whenever I use VGA or RGB.


Jeff Chen makes a similar adapter I don’t think these adapters downscale though?

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they dont downscale, but the GBS Control I use can’t downscale RGBHV, so this is convenient in that I don’t have to use the OSSC just to accept RGBS via scart then transcode from HDMI to component just to go into the Control for a handful of games

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Oh right yeah that will make it easier in conjunction with the GBS

Looks like it doesn’t compensate for the hot RGB levels the DC puts out though : (

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so i have an old green VMU i’ve used for ages, but recently, it kinda went dead - like, if it’s plugged in, not only is it not recognized in the system’s memory card screen, it also deadens the controller itself.

fearing the worst, i tried what little i know the other day - cleaned the contacts, popped it open for new batteries & lo and behold, it let me set the date and i could see stuff on it! …but plugging it b back in gave the same results. i tried other controllers as well.

at one point it started beeping on & off (maybe the batteries aren’t in good contact? i should clean those ends as well) but i’m not sure if any of that’s related or not.

any ideas here? any means of possibly getting whatever data is on there off/transferred? i swear, that VMU 2 can’t come quick enough for me.

Probably just more cleaning since the computer is working.

Just got a Dreamcast again after not having one for… 3 years? Sold mine (with VGA box and some games etc) as part of a house deposit building exercise. Kept most of my games though, just had a bash of a bunch of fighting games and Crazy Taxi.

Good to be back, but annoyingly my DC to Saturn controller converter doesn’t work with the wireless Saturn pads I now have. Probably not enough voltage to the adapter. Oh well, fighters remain wired for now…

I don’t have many single player games. It feels like a bit of an awkward era now, apart from the fighters which still hold up. Code Veronica was so good back in the day but I’m pretty sure I never want to play it again lol.